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Archive for April, 2009

Posted by hajamie On April - 28 - 200924 COMMENTS

Eric Clapton i Mark Knopfler – Kokaina

Granada28 asked:

Eric Clapton i Mark Knopfler – Kokaina USA 1988.

Sign Language For Babies And Beyond

Posted by hajamie On April - 26 - 200922 COMMENTS

Cocaine Bust Abroad

NationalGeographic asked:

Twee vrouwen werden aangeboden een luxe vakantie in ruil voor de smokkel van cocaïne. Opgesloten in het buitenland: Peru: woensdag 25 juli 10p et / pt:

Baby Sleep Tonight

Posted by hajamie On April - 22 - 200922 COMMENTS

Johnny Cash-Cocaine Blues

pimpishferg asked:

lilive op Folsom gevangenis Johnny Cash songs cocaïne blues! lyrics: Vroege een Mornin 'while makin' de rondes nam ik een schot van cocaïne en ik schoot mijn vrouw omlaag ging ik recht thuis en ging ik naar bed ik vast dat lovin ',44 onder mijn hoofd stond op volgende Mornin' en ik pakte dat pistool nam een schot van cocaïne en weg ik een goede run, maar ik liep te langzaam Ze haalde me in Juarez, Mexico Laat in de hete gewrichten neem de pillen In liep de sheriff uit Jericho Hill Hij zei Willy Lee uw. ..

The Baby Sleep Solution Audio Program

Posted by hajamie On April - 20 - 2009ADD COMMENTS


Robert Baird asked:

People use drugs for a variety of reasons, including recreational or social, sensation-seeking, and religious or spiritual purposes; the achievement of altered states; as a sign of rebellion and alienation; and as a result of peer pressure. Usage usually involves a combination of reasons.

Drugs are commonly classified according to the physiological effect they create. The five classifications are stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, narcotics, and inhalants.

Caffeine is probably the most used drug in America. It is a stimulant that speeds heart rate, increases blood pressure, and can cause insomnia.

Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug that is a major source of physical and emotional damage and death.

The blood alcohol concentration of ethyl alcohol is affected by the rate of consumption, the type of alcoholic beverage being consumed, the body weight of the individual drinking, and the drinker’s tolerance to alcohol.

Alcoholism is a disease in which a person loses control over drinking. Determining who will be­come an alcoholic is impossible. Alcoholism crosses all social, sexual, educational, and racial barriers.

Nicotine is an addictive agent found in tobacco. The tars found in tobaccos are carcinogenic agents.

The carbon monoxide formed when tobacco is smoked interferes with the body’s ability to trans­port oxygen and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Side stream smoke has even higher concentrations of these agents than the smoke inhaled by the smoker.

Cocaine use has become epidemic in the United States. Cocaine can be snorted, injected, or free­based (smoked). The consequences of cocaine use range from headaches and nausea to violence and death. Cocaine addiction is difficult to overcome .

The primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana and hashish is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Carcinogens can be found in more potent levels in marijuana than in tobacco. Hashish is more potent than marijuana. Short-term effects of marijuana use include euphoria and perceptual impairment. Some people experience anxiety, a sense of depersonalization, and hallucinations. Long-term effects are not well documented.

Some drugs have been abused by society for many years. They include heroin, methamphetamine (crank), and LSD. The newest form of methamphetamine is ice, which is smokable and more addictive, potent, and destructive than crack cocaine. Designer drugs are analogs of controlled substances and are more powerful and less predictable in the effects they create.

How To Make A Diaper Cake

Posted by hajamie On April - 18 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

What is Cocaine?

Dusty Lindemann asked:

The cocaïne powders réfère à of it  fine salt powder in the form of hydrochlorate which is produced when the ace is neutralisé by an acid. This addictive power stimulating of the système nervous exchange can être reniflée or dissolved in l& #39; water and injectée in the body. & lt; br/& WP; L& #39; intA©rior of the body of drug interfère with the ré-absorption of the dopamine, a neuro-transmitter, which is associée with the pleasure and the movement. At the time of the dopamine à does not arrive  être absorbée by l& #39; organization, once qu& #39; it served its objective, it produces a nonnatural accumulation which causes stimulation continues réception of neurons. & lt; br/& WP; This déclenche l& #39; euphoria liés à the catch the cocaïne. & lt; br/& WP; It ya several physical effects when this médicament is introduced into the body. Some d& #39; between them are simply irritants and badly à l& #39; ease, while d& #39; others are potentially mortals. & lt; br/& WP; Taking the cocaïne powders, that is to say by inhalation or injection of product immédiatement of the euphoric effects, like l& #39; hyper-stimulation, the réduction of tiredness and the mental clarté. It puts également l& #39; user à serious risks for the cardiovascular or vascular urgencies cérébraux associé à l& #39; ingestion of cocaïne. & lt; br/& WP; Majority of the décès liés à the cocaïne are the résultat d& #39; a cardiac arrêt or seizure followed by l& #39; arrêt respiratory. & lt; br/& WP; & lt; Br/& WP; & lt; strong& WP; & lt; /strong& WP; & lt; br/& WP; cocaïne, administré in an arbitrary form, causes of the constriction of the blood-vessels, dilation of the pupils, l& #39; increase in température of the body, cardiac rhythm and artérielle pressure. The users who powder sniff of cocaïne on a régulière basis, the risk to lose their direction of l& #39; sense of smell. They May suffer from nosebleed récurrents, have difficultés à to swallow and chronic nasal écoulement. & lt; br/& WP; Certain users of s& #39; to devote à l& #39; climbing of the cocaïne binges oà ¹ médicament is still taken still and à amounts more and more élevé. This level of l& #39; abuse cocaïne is a risk particulièrement élevé. The Institute National one Drug Abuse prévient that can entraîner an increase in l& #39; irritabilité, the nervosité and the paranoïa which can succeed à a véritable paranoïaque psychosis attacks with auditive hallucinations and loss of contact with the réalité. & lt; br/& WP;

How To Make A Diaper Cake

How much misery was appropriate to inflict on a promising 19-year-old, who himself had inflicted misery on society by dealing drugs, a judge asked himself out loud.

Happy-hour customers at a restaurant franchise in Lower Manhattan reacted to a police raid there last week that resulted in several drug-related arrests.

Posted by hajamie On April - 17 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

Cocaine Trade Helps Rebels Reignite War in Peru

The military is battling a resurgent group of guerrillas, which has reinvented itself as an illicit drug enterprise.

Posted by hajamie On April - 17 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

The Epidemic That Wasn?t

Scientists are systematically following children exposed to cocaine before birth and the findings suggest that the long-term effects may be relatively small.

Posted by hajamie On April - 17 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

Colombia Rebels Linked to Mexico Drug Cartels

Mexico?s powerful drug cartels are buying cocaine directly from Colombia?s main rebel group, FARC, a senior Colombian defense official said.