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Archive for the ‘Other – Health’ Category

Sam B asked:

I recently found out that my baby sitter of most of my life has been on crack cocaine since I was 2. should I have somthing checked out by a doctor or somthing what should I do?! Btw- I don’t got a babysitter now.

Hush-a-Bye Baby

Posted by hajamie On May - 11 - 20094 COMMENTS

Does Crystal Meth make you hallucinate? ?

I know LSD, Peyote, Shrooms, and the extract from those fun-frogs make you trip out, but what else does?
Do any of the following make you hallucinate at all? Cocaine/crack cocaine, Methamphetamine’s/amphetamines, Opium/Opiate derivatives, PCP, or.. Whatever?

I don’t do drugs myself, but it’s *ahem* for a school report.

By: Sam

About the Author:

The Baby Shower Kit